
日期:02-11 12:26:29| 初中学习方法|45教学网| http://www.45sw.com

2017中考英语选词填空练习题(二)是关于初中学习 - 初中学习方法方面的资料,


Big, volunteer, high, on beautiful, parent, camera, spend, teacher, hope, from, garden

I had a special weekend last week. I 1.__________ it with the children in a Sun Village.中华考试网

There are six Sun Villages are all decendents of prisoners囚犯的后代. They are aged 2._________ three months to 18 years. The children can live there until their 3.__________ are set free. They mainly depend on people’s donations. My sister has been a(n) 4.__________ of Sun Villages since 2009. She goes there in her spare time. Last Saturday she took me to one of the Sun Villages. She 5._________ I could bring something new to the children there.

Xiaoyu is a happy girl I met there. She has long brown hair. She is of medium 6.___________. But she has a terribe illness. When she was born, there was a little spot on her forehead额头 which became 7.___________ as she grew up. Every girl wants to have a good look, but Xiaoyu has to wear a hat every day. She was playing happily in the 8.__________when I met her. I took some photos of her with my 9._________. In one of the photos, a lovely girl with 10.__________ hair is smiling happily in the sun. What a wonderful picture! I hope Xiaoyu will receive complete therapy治疗. And she will be healthier and healthier.

1-10答案: spent, from, parents, volunteer, hoped, height, bigger, garden, camera, beautiful


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