2017中考英语句子写作方法:分解法是关于初中学习 - 初中英语 - 初二英语方面的资料,
◎ 我们要干就要干好。
If we do a thing, we should do it well.
◎ 从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。
There are students here from all over thecountry. Many of them are from the North.
◎ 我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。
Our camping trip turned into an adventure when we got lost.
◎ 天气转晴了,这是我们没有想到的。
The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we couldexpect.
◎ 狼是高度群体化的动物,它们的成功依赖于合作。
Wolves are highly social animals whose success depends upon their coopera-tion.